It's's to see & sign our GUESTBOOK now!
energetic and creative webmaster has a new business: The VIBE Experience. To find out more about the health improvement
potential possible through use of this fascinating new technological breakthrough, click on the photo! |
Information about and links to nonprofit organizations are interspersed throughout
New Margretville, so one page is as good as any other to begin your journey through our pleasant little community! May we
suggest the About page as a first stop?
New Margretville is a work in progress, and we're very open to visitor
participation on every level. For example, there's an "Add-a-Link" feature on our Favorite Links page so you may add your
link to our site. We strive to keep New Margretville updated and to add new information frequently. You have the potential
to play an important role in this process, but you can only do that if you choose to interact with us. We've provided many
ways for you to do that. Bon Voyage!

Peaceful Positive Personals @
FREE EMAIL @ New Margretville

"The fractured, dualistic, Ascended world gave
way to the equally fractured, dualistic, Descended world. And within that descended grid, we moderns and post- moderns wander
in puzzlement, cut off from Source, from Ground, and from Goal--waiting, or so we say, for the return of a lost and absconded
God, whose rule we would nonetheless angrily deny; wailing for the return of a Goddess, whom we would not recognize even if
She did; caught brutally between two dreams, one gone and never to be touched, one yet born, all bright and promise so it
seems, yet struggling in the agony of its birthing pains and lost in the horrible in between, we fervently look to a finite
world for infinite salvation, and live in the dusted ruins of that utter impossibility."
-Ken Wilber

New Margretville's
Web Rings
have moved to their own page. Click on the link above to go there. Web Rings are a quick and fun way to tour various sites
that share common goals, features, themes, or other attributes. Enjoy!
Many of you have asked: "What does volunteering
have to do with peaceful positive change? It's simple, really. Doing something because it touches your heart and
you want to help, and not for that weekly or monthly paycheck, is a whole different kind of energy. Volunteerism is a grassroots
force humbly and peacefully helping people, animals, and societies globally. These New Margretville pages are solely about
Volunteer Sphere
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