Chakra Life System
* Used daily, this system helps to create
harmony on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
* Increase energy and mental focus.

Another new addition
is the Perkl-Light™-- a powerful, portable bioenergetic treatment device. The Perkl-Light™ uses a brand-new light-based technology to balance chakras, meridians, body-systems, and
do other custom energy-work. It can energetically clear and reprogram crystals, jewelry, and eyeglasses. What fun it is to look out at the world through qualities of clarity, joy, and freedom!
You are welcome to try the Perkl-Light or a Chakra Balancing the next time you come in for a Quantum Pulse session. Though
there is currently no specific charge for these extra services when you come in for a session, donations
are welcome and encouraged.
